Hayden AI Granted Patent for its Behind-the-Windshield AI Camera System

SAN FRANCISCO–( BUSINESS WIRE)– Hayden AI, a global leader in artificial intelligence and machine literacy technologies, has been awarded a patent for its camera-grounded perception system that detects objects from behind vehicle windshields. The patent was awarded on June 27, 2023, and is labeledU.S. Patent number.
utmost mobile camera systems for thruway object discovery must be mounted outside of vehicles – on the vehicle’s roof or off its side – and can not see through windshields or work in low light conditions. Hayden AI’s mobile perception system is designed to be mounted inside the vehicle – behind windshields – while maintaining largely-accurate object discovery. This makes the Hayden AI camera system functional in all rainfall and light conditions.

“ Our cameras ’ capability to serve at night is a major advancement in the field of mobile cameras, ” said Bo Shen, co-founder and Chief Science Officer at Hayden AI. “ By designing a skirt around both our automated license plate recognition camera( ALPR) and our AI-powered environment camera, our innards-mounted camera system can directly descry objects without windshield light from the interior ambient light in the machine. This significantly improves the utility of our system for automated machine lane and machine stop enforcement. ”

Hayden AI is the US request leader in mobile automated machine lane enforcement and machine stop enforcement, with over 650 camera systems installed on conveyance motorcars across the country. Detecting objects in low light and all rainfall conditions ensures that all parking violations impacting dependable service and safety for conveyance riders are reused, helping conveyance agencies keep machine lanes and the machine stops clear. also, mounting the camera system behind the machine windshield protects the outfit from the rudiments, adding its lifetime and reducing conservation costs.

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