Li Auto Inc. July 2023 Delivery Update

Li AutoInc.( “ Li Auto ” or the “ Company ”)( Nasdaq LI; HKEX 2015), a leader in China’s new energy vehicle request, moment blazoned that the Company delivered 34,134 vehicles in July 2023, representing an increase of227.5 time over time and surpassing the 30,000 mark for the alternate successive month. The accretive deliveries of Li Auto vehicles in 2023 reached 173,251 as of the end of July.

“ As a favored decoration automotive brand for Chinese families, we successfully delivered our 400,000 th vehicle in July, getting the first arising NEV manufacturer in China to achieve this corner, ” reflected Xiang Li, president and principal administrative officer of Li Auto. “ Our three Li L series models achieved accretive deliveries of over 200,000 vehicles since their consecutive launches beginning in June 2022. Li L series also constantly ranked as the top dealer among SUVs priced above RMB 300,000 in each month of the alternate quarter, establishing itself as a leader in China’s decoration automotive request. Specifically, we delivered over 50,000 Li L7s, our five- seat flagship family SUV, within five months of delivery inception, while adding yearly deliveries of our two six- seat SUVs, Li L9 and Li L8, from about 12,000 in March this time to around 20,000 in July. This solid performance demonstrates our product strength, which drives our success in a competitive terrain and ultimately leads to advanced deals. Eventually, we intend to roll out Li Magic Carpet air suspense2.0 through OTA this month to bring our druggies better running and suspense experience. ”

As of July 31, 2023, the Company had 337 retail stores in 128 metropolises, as well as 323 servicing centers and Li Auto- authorized body and makeup shops operating in 222 metropolises.

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