Mazda Announces Mid-Career Recruitment Plan for Fiscal YearEnding March 2025 and Graduate Recruitment Plan forFiscal Year Ending March 2026

Mazda has announced its mid-career recruitment plan for the fiscal year ending (FYE) March 2025 and graduate recruitment plan for FYE March 2026 to fill engineering and administrative positions.

“At Mazda, our goal is to uplift experiences, emotionally and physically through the ‘Joy of Driving’, in line with the times. Our employees are the prime mover behind creating and spreading that value. That’s why we strive to achieve an atmosphere that helps each employee maximize their motivation.” said Tomiko Takeuchi, Executive Officer and CHRO (Chief Human Resource Officer). “If you would like to work together with us in contributing to address key social issues, and in bringing ‘Joy of Living’ to our customers, we hope you will choose to come and work at Mazda.”

  Graduate recruitment plan for FYE March 2026*1Mid-career recruitment plan for FYE March 2025*2Total
EngineeringGraduate school, university, technical college, vocational college, high school graduates200 (209)307 (136)507 (345)
AdministrativeGraduate school, university, junior college, vocational college graduates27 (36)0 (5)27 (41)
Total engineering and administrative personnel227 (245)307 (141)534 (386)
Manufacturing relatedUniversity, vocational college, high school graduatesPending (355)Pending (292)Pending (647)
TotalPending (600)Pending (433)Pending (1,033)
  • *1 Graduates who have completed their education within the last three years are eligible for Mazda’s recruitment plan for new graduates (start date: April 2025).
  • *2 Start date: anytime between April 2024 and March 2025.
    Figures in brackets indicate the number of people scheduled to be hired in the previous year.

Please visit the below link for further Mazda’s information:

– Careers:
– Integrated Reports:
– Mazda Technical Review:

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