A premier multimodal provider of transportation, intermodal and logistics services, is proud to partake in the company that has been recognized for the alternate successive time as the PepsiCo Asset Sustainability Carrier of the Time.
The PepsiCo award recognizes Schneider’s further than 20 times of service and support to the business alongside the company’s poignant sustainability progress. especially, before this time Schneider came the first third-party carrier to haul zero-emigration shipments for PepsiCo encyclopedically. Schneider and PepsiCo’s commitment to net-zero emigrations by 2040 is guided by PepsiCo Positive( vim), an end-to-end metamorphosis that puts sustainability at the centre of how the company will produce growth and value by operating within planetary boundaries.
“ We strive to be ahead of our guests ’ needs and act as a trusted resource on the rearmost shipping options, so it’s incredibly meaningful to be honoured for the quality of our service and the sustainability results we’ve been strategically enforcing for our business and guests, ” said Schneider Chief Commercial Officer and Group Senior Vice President and General Manager of Logistics Erin Van Zeeland. “We have a unique occasion to unite with our longstanding guests, similar to PepsiCo, and institute innovative results that significantly lessen the overall environmental impacts of both our businesses. ”
Schneider operates one of the most effective lines in North America; moving goods as effectively as possible translates to lower emigration. The company lately opened a zero-emigration large-scale charging depot and plans to add nearly 100 BETs to its Southern California intermodal operations by the end of this time.
also, as an expert in shipping assiduity, Schneider is one of the many North American shipping and logistics companies that develop capabilities and technologies to ameliorate its own sustainability sweats while also helping guests understand and reduce their carbon emigrations. Schneider works with guests to understand, measure and reduce their compass 3 emigrations and advise on how the carbon footmark associated with transportation fits into their overarching emigrations reduction pretensions.
Schneider has a clear commitment to emigrations reduction, with pretensions including reducing CO2 emigration by 60 per afar and reaching net zero status for all company-possessed installations by 2035. The carrier is investing in advancing effectiveness indeed further in the near- and long- term-through electrification, optimizing diesel exchanges and employing the power of data analytics.