Toyota Kirloskar Motor Recognized and Awarded for Exemplary Electrical Practices by Karnataka State Electrical Inspectorate

Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM), was recently honored with the prestigious “Best Electrical Safety Practice & Compliance” award by the Karnataka State Electrical Inspectorate (KSEI), in recognition for its unwavering commitment to electrical safety and compliance in both, its manufacturing areas and company-wide operations. The award was issued in accordance with the Electrical Inspectorate Rating System set by the Chief Electrical Inspectorate to the Government (CEIG) and presented to TKM during the esteemed Electrical Safety Week Final Day Celebration.

The event was presided over by esteemed dignitaries including Mr. B Padmanabha, Associate Executive Vice President, TKM and Mrs. Aparna Pavate, Deputy Secretary, Energy Department, Karnataka State. Mr. Girish, Deputy Elec. Inspector, CEIG, Karnataka State, was also present to acknowledge and appreciate TKM’s exemplary benchmark practices.

The KSEI has a vital mission to ensure that all electrical installations within the state adhere to the highest safety codes and standards. As part of this, the Electrical Inspectorate team recently embarked on promoting assessments to identify industries that exhibit exceptional electrical safety practices and performance, where TKM scored high thus receiving this esteemed recognition.

Mr. B. Padmanabha, Associate Executive Vice President, Toyota Kirloskar Motor said, “We at Toyota Kirloskar Motor would like to thank Karnataka State Electrical Inspectorate (KSEI) for the prestigious ‘Best Electrical Safety Practice & Compliance’ award. Safety is at the core of Toyota’s holistic approach through end-to-end operations from Manufacturing-to-Customers and society at large. Even our products boast of the highest safety standards. We take our responsibility of providing a safe and healthy workplace environment for all employees very seriously therefore every aspect of our operations is meticulously designed to ensure the benchmark standards. Our dedicated team of experts work tirelessly to create an environment where electrical hazards are proactively identified and effectively mitigated. This award serves as a motivation to further elevate our safety practices and reinforce our unwavering commitment to protecting the well-being of our workforce and stakeholders.”

Mr. T N Appachu, CEIG – Chief Electrical Inspector to Government, (KSEI) said “The Karnataka State Electrical Inspectorate places the utmost importance on the safety and well-being of its citizens and is delighted to recognize TKM for their exemplary electrical practices. We believe ensuring the highest standards of electrical safety in industrial operations is crucial to safeguarding the lives and property, of both employees and the surrounding communities. TKM’s relentless pursuit of excellence in electrical safety aligns perfectly with our vision of creating a safe and conducive environment for all industries to thrive. Their dedication to adhering to relevant safety codes and standards sets a commendable precedent, and we hope that other companies will be inspired to follow suit. This award signifies the valuable partnership between the government and industry in ensuring a safe and sustainable business environment.”

TKM remains committed to creating a safe and secure environment for its workforce and stakeholders, ensuring that electrical installations are meticulously maintained as per the relevant safety codes and standards.

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