Toyota Technical Training Institute( TTTI), moment, proudly celebrated the passing out of its 14th batch of scholars in a grand convocation form. The event marked successful completion of the comprehensive skill training on Global Manufacturing Practices for 62 TTTI Regular and 41 Toyota Kausalya course scholars from pastoral Karnataka. The academic honors were handed over to the gregarious batch of scholars for the Regular TTTI 3 time course and the first batch scholars from Toyota Kausalya 2 time program, by recognized Chief Guest- Jagadguru Sri Sri Sirdar. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, in the presence of TKM Management and representatives from Toyota Group Companies, Suppliers, CII, ACMA, and Toyota Indonesia Academy who especially came to share and learn as a part of the knowledge sharing culture between Toyota cells.
TTTI through its holistic and comprehensive class, is fastening not only on conducting knowledge of advanced technologies but also on fostering overall development by transubstantiating pastoral youth into professed force as per assiduity conditions. A crucial factor contributing to TTTI’s success is the constantly high employment rate of its scholars, who have secured excellent job openings not only within Karnataka and India, but also overseas. The lately started ‘ Toyota Kausalya ’ program has been well entered by scholars and aims to give a unique occasion for youth to acquire chops applicable to the manufacturing assiduity and enhance their employment eventuality through the Learn and Earn’ approach, combining both theoretical literacy with On- the- Job Training( OJT). Further to promote skilling, TTTI has been named as one of the institutes under the Japan India Institute for Manufacturing( JIM) skill transfer creation program, aimed at inculcating Japanese- style manufacturing chops and practices, thereby contributing to ‘ Skill India ’ Mission of the Government of India.
TTTI also promotes inclusivity by offering free training to economically challenged scholars and has witnessed, its scholars achieving remarkable feats at prestigious competitions like the India Chops and World Chops contest, bringing immense pride to the nation. One of the emblems of TTTI’s education is its domestic training program which give holistic development of the scholars in terms of knowledge, skill, physical and internal capacities, that has made TTTI a coveted literacy institute. Considering the success of the TTTI programs and to feed to the adding demand, TKM has decided to expand the institute’s input from 600 to 1200 scholars by end of 2023.
Chief Guest Jagadguru Sri Sri SriDr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, said,” I’m pleased to substantiation the scale of these bright and talented scholars from Toyota Technical Training Institute. The commitment shown by TTTI in furnishing skill training to aspiring scholars from economically challenged backgrounds is truly estimable. similar enterprise play a vital part in upliftment of the community performing in collaborative progress and lasting positive impact. It’s heartening to see Toyota Kirloskar Motor’s gospel fastening on the progress of pastoral and weaker sections of society through holistic development of scholars including their skill, knowledge, body, and mind thereby transubstantiating their lives. I’m confident that TTTI’ll continue to grease the talented pastoral youths of our country to acquire world- class chops with deep confirmed sense of responsibility and tone- discipline, thereby enabling them to be a true mortal being and contribute to overall progress of the society and the nation they live in.