a leading electric vehicle technology company with advanced, request-validated electric marketable vehicles, moment blazoned that it’ll hold its periodic general meeting Friday, September 1, 2023, at 830a.m. Eastern Time( Friday, September 1, 2023, at 830p.m. Shanghai Time and Friday, September 1, 2023, at 1030p.m. Australian Eastern Time) at 11840 BeachBlvd., Ste. 1 in Jacksonville, Florida( the “ Meeting ”).
Eligible shareholders or their delegates wishing to attend the Meeting are asked to arrive at least 30 twinkles previous to the inception of the meeting. However, you’ll need to request a ballot to bounce these shares, If you’re attending the Meeting in person. else, formerly in damage of your deputy statement, you may bounce by penetrating www.ProxyVote.com and entering your control number which is indicated on your deputy statement. Alternatively, shareholders may bounce by touch-tone telephone by telephoning 1-800-690-6903 and following the call instructions or by posting their deputy card to the address indicated therein.
clones of the Company’s notice of Meeting, explicatory memorandum and affiliated accoutrements are available on the Company’s investor relations website atir.cenntroauto.com and atwww.materials.proxyvote.com/Q6519V( the “ Meeting Accoutrements ”). Please check the Meeting Accoutrements for any special conditions for meeting attendance. Prior to August 18, 2023, you may also request a free paper or dispatch dupe of the Meeting Accoutrements by calling1-800-579-1639 or transferring a dispatch [email protected], please include your control number in the subject line of the dispatch, If transferring a dispatch. Your control number is indicated on your deputy statement. Unless requested, you won’t else admit a paper or dispatch dupe of the Meeting Accoutrements.