BYD debuts at Munich Auto Show in Germany, Seal officially launched in Europe

BYD debuted at the Munich Auto Show in Germany ( IAA MOBILITY 2023). BYD announced that Seal is officially launched in Europe and offers two versions, priced at 50,990 euros (approximately RMB 400,000) and 44,900 euros (approximately RMB 350,000). Song PLUS EV Champion Edition meets European consumers for the first time and will be launched in Europe soon.

Shu Youxing, general manager of BYD’s European Auto Sales Division, said: “BYD’s new energy passenger vehicles have entered 15 European countries in the past year, and have joined hands with high-quality local partners to open stores in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and other countries. With more than 140 stores, it will continue to provide consumers with a more convenient and comfortable car buying experience. As global electrification continues to accelerate, Europe has become an important market for new energy vehicles. BYD continues to delve into the European market and continuously enrich its new energy models Matrix to meet the diverse needs of consumers.”

The release of Seal attracted widespread attention from the European media and public. This car takes “marine aesthetics” as its core design concept, showing a sense of dynamics and power brought about by its low body and low drag coefficient. As the first model to adopt BYD’s self-developed CTB (Cell to Body) battery-body integration technology and iTAC intelligent torque control system, Seal has excellent performance in terms of aesthetics, safety, handling and efficient performance.

BYD design director Wolfgang Egger said: “BYD designs for the future of new energy vehicles and is committed to meeting diverse needs. Through design, technology and innovation, automotive aesthetics are fully integrated into every BYD model. middle.”

As the first car company in the world to reach the milestone of rolling off the production line of its 5 millionth new energy vehicle, BYD has sold more than 1.78 million new energy vehicles as of August 2023, continuing to lead the global new energy market. Currently, BYD’s new energy passenger vehicles have entered 54 countries and regions around the world. BYD will continue to be driven by technological innovation, continuously improve product capabilities, inject new vitality into the European market and green travel, and help “cool the earth by 1°C”.

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