GWM Launches TANK 500 in Kazakhstan

On July 22, 2023, the launch event of TANK 500 in Kazakhstan with the theme of” gadabouts OF NOWADAYS” was held in Almaty, the largest megacity in the country. The launch event is themed around the traditional vagrant spirit of the Kazakh ethnical group, integrating the spirit of disquisition and nonstop preponderancy in the traditional vagrant culture with the tone of the sheer off- road product TANK, presenting a classic releasing that blends tradition and fustiness.
At the press conference, the representative of GWM made a speech to drink the guests and introduce the flagship model of the TANK 500. The TANK 500 combines intelligent off- road and luxury business tone, and the vagrant spirit of Kazakhstan in the new period cherishes tradition and classics while daring to explore the future. Reflected in automotive consumption, it requires both frontal- end technology and trendy design, as well as high- quality and dependable product strength. The TANK 500 combines the characteristics of wildness and rationality in its products, which isn’t only an countersign of the original vagrant spirit embedded in the blood, but also a wise choice which is practical and dependable.

On an open field outside, the TANK 500 is showcased and released in real diurnal scripts. As the guests cheered at the scene, the giant spherical curtain rose and the TANK 500 was officially unveiled. Multiple bloggers handed on- point commentary. further than 240 business and automotive celebrities shared in the event, with over 70 KOLs in the automotive assiduity. Local well- known off- road blogger Timur said,” previous to its launch, the TANK 500 had formerly caused a sensation in the automotive assiduity. Its surface was tough and serious, with a sheer business style, but its innards was luxurious and soft, with a strong sense of satisfaction. The positioning of ‘ Off Road, On Demand ’ is truly justified. ”

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