- Phoenix MotorInc.( Nasdaq PEV)( “ Company ” or “ Phoenix ”), a leader in the manufacturing of all-electric, medium-duty vehicles, moment blazoned a purchase order for thirteen all-electric, zero-emigration exchanges to be stationed for Los Angeles World airfields( LAWA). The order was executed through National Auto Fleet Group( NAFG) and will include colourful battery configurations and Phoenix’s inverter package which offers AC power for tools, compressors and other supplementary loads, powered straight from the high voltage DC batteries.
The 13 exchanges will be erected on the FordE-450 lattice powered by Phoenix’s electric drive system and will serve LAWA’s conservation department. All electric, zero-emigration exchanges are funded, in part, by the Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher incitement design( HVIP) program.
” By investing in the vehicles demanded to support a completely galvanized line, LAWA remains on the commanding edge of sustainability and is laying the root to achieve carbon impartiality from field operations by 2045,” said Michael Christensen, Chief Operations and conservation Officer, LAWA.” This purchase helps to reduce our environmental impact, while also demonstrating our commitment to invention and the future of transportation.”
The Phoenix vehicles will be equipped with 90- kWh and 140- kWh battery packs offering up to 115 and 150- afar ranges, independently, and can be completely charged in a little over an hour with a 100- kW position III bowl. The exchanges, compared to their original reactionary fueled druthers
, can reduce atmospheric emigration by
61 tons per vehicle annually per vehicle, reduce conservation costs by 75 and lower energy costs by 80.
“ We’re proud to be planting yet another design at Los Angeles International Airport. With this order, LAWA is setting a new standard and making a bold statement to begin titillating their conservation line, ” Phoenix’s CEO Denton Peng said. “ Zero Emission is a reality we produce every day then at Phoenix buses, and LAWA’s commitment to drawing the air quality in Los Angeles is a testament to its responsibility and forward allowing. ”
Phoenix has been the leader in medium-duty electrification for over a decade. With 4 million all-electric long hauls driven on its zero emigration drive systems, Phoenix has the unequalled experience and moxie helping public and private lines successfully emplace and borrow electric vehicles into their lines, drawing the air quality and furnishing clean, quiet and safe zero emigration transportation and mobility for their companies and communities.
“ Phoenix buses is proud of our commitment to sustainable vehicle technology, and our long-term commitment to support systems at LAX and the Los Angeles region,” said Thomas Allen, Vice President of Deals for Phoenix Buses. “ With this order, we will have over 50 completely electric, zero-emigration vehicles serving in and around the Los Angeles International Airport. We thank our mates at National Auto Fleet Group for this order and for helping to secure over$ 780,000 in HVIP impulses. Being grounded right then in Southern California, Phoenix is devoted to drawing the air quality in its home state and community. This deployment further adds to our hunt to lower emigration in underprivileged communities and give safe, clean and dependable transportation and mobility to field lines. ”
Joshua Jerome, Project Manager for National Auto Fleet Group stated,” Our platoon strives to make each hereafter better than the day ahead, and as an HVIP-approved dealership, I am happy we could mate with Phoenix buses to help move Los Angeles World airfields and the state toward a clean air future.”